11 research outputs found

    Fairness in Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    The first Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks were based mainly on the altruistic behaviour of its peers. Although newer implementations incorporate some kind of incentive mechanism to award sharing peers, no P2P network assures some quality of service. Our work is meant as a first step towards the development of P2P networks with quality of service. We propose a distributed resource allocation algorithm where peers control the service rate to its neighbours. This algorithm is based on the congestion pricing principle known from IP networks and ensures some form of fairness. Hence a peer gets a fair share of the resources available in the P2P network weighted by its contribution to the network. We present the first simulation results about the convergence of our algorithm and its functionality in large and varying networks

    Data Centric Peer-to-Peer Communication in Power Grids

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    We study the use of peer-to-peer based declarative data management to enable efficient monitoring and control of power transmission and distribution networks. We propose methods and an architecture for data centric communication in power networks; a proof-of-concept decentralized communication infrastructure is presented that uses and advances state of the art peer-to-peer and distributed data management protocols to provide real time access to network state information. We propose methods for adaptive network reconfiguration and self-repair mechanisms to handle fault situations. To efficiently handle complex queries, we present a centralized metadata index, and propose a query language and execution method that allows us to handle high volume data streams in-network

    MMB & DFT 2014 : Proceedings of the International Workshops ; Modeling, Analysis and Management of Social Networks and their Applications (SOCNET 2014) & Demand Modeling and Quantitative Analysis of Future Generation Energy Networks and Energy-Efficient Systems (FGENET 2014)

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    At present, a comprehensive set of measurement, modeling, analysis, simulation, and performance evaluation techniques are employed to investigate complex networks. A direct transfer of the developed engineering methodologies to related analysis and design tasks in next-generation energy networks, energy-efficient systems and social networks is enabled by a common mathematical foundation. The International Workshop on "Demand Modeling and Quantitative Analysis of Future Generation Energy Networks and Energy-Efficient Systems" (FGENET 2014) and the International Workshop on "Modeling, Analysis and Management of Social Networks and their Applications" (SOCNET 2014) were held on March 19, 2014, at University of Bamberg in Germany as satellite symposia of the 17th International GI/ITG Conference on "Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems" and "Dependability and Fault-Tolerance" (MMB & DFT 2014). They dealt with current research issues in next-generation energy networks, smart grid communication architectures, energy-efficient systems, social networks and social media. The Proceedings of MMB & DFT 2014 International Workshops summarizes the contributions of 3 invited talks and 13 reviewed papers and intends to stimulate the readers’ future research in these vital areas of modern information societies.Gegenwärtig wird eine reichhaltige Klasse von Verfahren zur Messung, Modellierung, Analyse, Simulation und Leistungsbewertung komplexer Netze eingesetzt. Die unmittelbare Übertragung entwickelter Ingenieurmethoden auf verwandte Analyse- und Entwurfsaufgaben in Energienetzen der nächsten Generation, energieeffizienten Systemen und sozialen Netzwerken wird durch eine gemeinsame mathematische Basis ermöglicht. Die Internationalen Workshops "Demand Modeling and Quantitative Analysis of Future Generation Energy Net-works and Energy-Efficient Systems" (FGENET 2014) und "Modeling, Analysis and Management of Social Networks and their Applications" (SOCNET 2014) wurden am 19. März 2014 als angegliederte Symposien der 17. Internationalen GI/ITG Konferenz "Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems" und "Dependability and Fault-Tolerance" (MMB & DFT 2014) an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg in Deutschland veranstaltet. Es wurden aktuelle Forschungsfragen in Energienetzen der nächsten Generation, Smart Grid Kommunikationsarchitekturen, energieeffizienten Systemen, sozialen Netzwerken und sozialen Medien diskutiert. Der Tagungsband der Internationalen Workshops MMB & DFT 2014 fasst die Inhalte von 3 eingeladenen Vorträgen und 13 begutachteten Beiträgen zusammen und beabsichtigt, den Lesern Anregungen für ihre eigenen Forschungen auf diesen lebenswichtigen Gebieten moderner Informationsgesellschaften zu vermitteln

    Ein Preisbildungsansatz zur verteilten Ressourcenallokation in IP- und Peer-to-Peer-Netzen

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    Diese Arbeit zeigt einen neuartigen dezentralen Ansatz für die Ressourcenallokation in Peer-to-Peer (P2P)-Netzen auf. Durch Aufspaltung eines globalen Optimierungsproblems werden verteilte Algorithmen hergeleitet und deren Effizienz, Fairness und Stabilität gezeigt. Das Modell basiert auf der Ressourcenbepreisung (engl.: resource pricing) für TCP/IP. Deshalb werden auch P2P über IP-Netze als schichtenübergreifendes Optimierungsproblem untersucht.This work presents a novel decentralised approach for the resource allocation in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks. By decomposing a global optimisation problem distributed algorithms are derived and their efficiency, fairness and stability are shown. The model is based on resource pricing for TCP/IP. Therefore, also P2P over IP networks are studied as cross-layer optimisation problem

    TCPeer: Rate control in P2P over IP networks

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    Abstract. The prevalent mechanism to avoid congestion in IP networks is the control of the sending rate with TCP. Dynamic routing strategies at the IP layer are not deployed because of problems like route oscillations and out-of-order packet deliveries. With the adoption of P2P technology, routing is done also in these overlay networks. With multi-source download protocols peers upload and download to/from other peers in parallel. Based on congestion pricing for IP networks this paper proposes a rate control algorithm for P2P over IP networks. A peer adopts the functionality of TCP and extends the congestion window mechanism with information from the overlay network. Thus, a sending peer is able to shift traffic from a congested route to an uncongested one. This change in the rate allocation will be balanced by other peers in the overlay. Hence, the receiving peers experience no degradation of their total download rate

    Revenue Maximisation in Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    Abstract: BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer (p2p) protocol for file-sharing. Its improvement over other file-sharing protocols is its tit-for-tat strategy to decide to whom a peer should upload. This means that an upload to a peer depends on the download from that peer. This paper investigates the BitTorrent upload algorithm and proposes a new algorithm which is based on a distributed optimisation problem where each peer maximises its own revenue. First simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the BitTorrent choking algorithm with respect to efficiency and fairness.


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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks can reduce the distribution cost of large media files for the original provider of the data significantly. Thereby, the BitTorrent protocol is widely used in the Internet today. Most research work studies the protocol analytically, by simulations at the flow-level or real world experiments. Thereby, for flow-level simulations the influence of neglecting packet-level characteristics is not yet quantified. Therefore, this paper compares packet-level simulation results with flow-level values and analytically derived bounds. Our findings show that BitTorrent is near to optimal at flow-level for different scenarios. Naturally, packet-level results deviate more from the optimal values but differences are at most around 30 % in our simulations. Furthermore, we show that the propagation delay can significantly influence the download performance of BitTorrent